Seven Things for Twenty Seven-teen 關於二零一七的七件事

(This is a long overdue post, though I guess this is still reasonable timing because it’s just the second day of the Lunar New Year! Ha.)

I was lucky enough to spend the first day of this new year with my favourite band in my favourite city, doing one of my favourite things with a few of my favourite friends – catching a Mayday gig together in Taipei. For the past few years countdowns have been rather mellow – either in front of a telly or hiding under covers in bed. So it was a really nice change, I almost felt like I was young once more, and that I still had a world of possibilities laid down in front of me. Of course, this may still hold true, but with every passing year I feel a little more apprehensive of stepping out of my comfort zone, and as a result, I have been feeling more and more confined.

2017 will be a year of change.

Who am I kidding, change has been the only constant in my life for the past 10 years or so. But 2017 must be the only year that I am absolutely certain that things will change, only because I have taken steps to ensure that in the previous year. In face of change, I no longer feel bright-eyed and excited – instead, I feel scared and anxious – see what I mean about feeling apprehensive? But as I often ask/tell myself – if not now, then when? I guess 2017 will also be the year I shall try to be young once again, to throw caution in the wind and be adventurous!

這是個遲來的新年 po,但能趕在農曆新年第二天寫出來,應該⋯⋯還算來得及吧?





攝於 小日子商號,台北 2017/01/01


  1. 成為一個簡約生活的實行者
  2. 把法語學好
  3. 積極持續運動
  4. 努力創造
  5. 為自己所看過的每一本書/每一部電影做紀錄
  6. 把聖經讀完
  7. 為自己的事業與未來認真一番

I’ve never been successful in sticking to any new year resolutions, but this is something I want to try to do this year. Perhaps I will revisit this post at the beginning of every month and see how much I have progressed!

1. Minimalism: Discovered the minimalist movement late last year and I am quite drawn to it! Getting rid of things seem to be the easiest thing to do, but it is not as simple as it sounds. It appeals to me as a good way to live though, given that I may continue to be a nomad for more than a couple of years in the near future. I want to try embarking on the 21 Day Minimalism Challenge, and in terms of physical belongings I would like to specifically

  • Stop buying notebooks
  • Stop buying washi tapes
  • Only buy 12 books this year

2. Language learning: I have been on a language learning journey for as long as I can remember but my efforts always taper off somehow somewhat and I find myself restarting again and again. This year I am committing myself to mastering French, almost 8 years since I first learned the language haha! Here’s hoping I will complete all my Duolingo lessons and finally reading my French Pride and Prejudice book.

3. Exercise: Committed to a gymming routine in the last quarter of 2016, and though exercising brings about much pain, it has brought about changes in me too. I realise I have a better grip on my emotions when I get to sweat it out, and I understand my body’s needs better in terms of the food I need to avoid and the amount of water I require. For now I am only exercising intensely twice a week, but for 2017 I’d like to up that to thrice a week. Looking forward to better health in the new year (and lowering my body age a few more years :D)

4. Create: This is something that has been bugging me in the last year. Stepping into the adult world means I have less time to be productive in terms of writing and creating…stuff, be it in composing, baking, coming out with ideas… Ultimately I believe no one wants to be just another cog in this giant machine of human civilization, and I would definitely want to leave my legacy and mark on this earth somehow, somewhere. Cleaning up this blog is definitely just a tiny step towards that!

5. Review: I would like to be consistent in my reflections on every book I read, at least. Writing reviews definitely help in memory retention and self-reflection!

6. Spiritual: Keep to a prayer routine and complete my bible-in-a-year reading plan.

7. Be more serious about my growth and my future: 2017 is the year my future will be somewhat set in stone, I think. It is definitely terrifying to know that I am stepping into my late 20s, so I hope to be more mindful of how I use/waste my time. Here’s hoping 2017 will be less fleeting and traumatizing than 2016!